1. What OSCC statistics can I include in my Optymyse screen designs?
1.1. Cumulative vs, Realtime
OSCC defines both cumulative and real-time statistics. Cumulative statistics update every 30 seconds. Real-time statistics update at as little as 5 second intervals. The OSCC Connector presents 4 feeds to Optymyse each requiring a separate connector license:
The OSCC Connector presents 4 feeds to Optymyse each requiring a separate connector license:
- Queues
- Aggregates
- Users
- Groups
In the lists below, the same statistics are available for both Queues and Aggregates, so these have been presented in the same table.
Real-time statistics are prefixed with the letters RT.
Note that Groups are groups of agents (users), and Aggregates are groups of queues.
1.2. Queues and Aggregates
1.3. Groups
1.4. Users
2 Data Retention
Data is aggregated from midnight (00:00) until 23:59; or the start of shift (configured in the connector). Any number of shifts may be defined, the data is zeroed at each shift change. Note that shift changes must occur on an OSCC time boundary (i.e. any 15 minute interval).
Any number of shift changes may be configured in the connector, including shifts which run over the midnight period (e.g. 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm; 11pm-7am), data is retained for the duration of the shift only.