Data Output Options - Simple and Calculated Values

Optymyse now includes Data Output Options

To add data, click/drag the simple value/data box onto the page

Double click on the box to open up data properties.


In data properties you have the option to choose an input:

  1. Simple - a value direct from the data source
  2. Calculated-Simple - perform simple calculations on data (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, highest, lowest)
  3. Calculated-Advanced - use our advanced syntax to create calculations on the data 

Advanced Calculation Syntax Article: Advanced Calculation Syntax


You then have the option to choose how you want the data output to be displayed:

  1. General - Shows as a number
  2. Percentage - Shows as a percentage and does the x100 (%) calculation on the value
  3. Time - Shows as a time
  4. Custom - This option allows you to set your own formatting on the value (as per the example below)


Here is an example of a calculation adding together groups:

Note: Click the add button to set each calculation item. Click the magnifying glass to select your data.


Custom Example

If you are adding value that is already a percentage in the data (i.e the x100 calculation to make it a percentage has already been done on the data source) but the actual % symbol is not displayed you can add in the % symbol by doing the following:

  • Double click on the data box
  • Select Custom from the "Output" dropdown in data properties
  • Type the following syntax: 0\%
  • If you wanted to add an extra decimal point you would put: 0.0\%

Another example is if you want to show a time value in seconds rather than minutes and seconds you would type: #0

How to add a % symbol to a value if the percentage calculation has already been done on the data source

For more infomation on formatting syntax please check out this article: