Using Dynamic Grids

The grids in V6 are dynamic, meaning they are automatically populated for you.

They are fully customisable and flexible, so you have the ability to only display the information you and your agents really want/need to see.

How to use Dynamic Grids

1. In the designer click/drag the grid element onto a page, drag the corners/sides of the grid to resize.



2. Double click on the grid or click the cog icon to edit, the grid properties page is where you can set the main styling for the grid such as fonts and colours. Clicking the configuration button as shown below opens up the grid configuration menu.



3. In the grid configuration menu simply click browse to select your data feed i.e. agents/group


4. Then scroll down to choose the data fields you want in the grid e.g. for an agent grid you may choose: Statename and Statetime or TalkTime or for a group grid you may choose ACDCalls. Your grid is then automatically populated for you. In the field configuration section you can click the pencil next to the field name to edit the column name.


5. The grid has an autofit feature so columns are automatically sized depending on the size of the grid, you can untick autofit and use the sliders to re-size manually also.

6. Grids now include a filter where you can set conditions and only show the information you require such as: only display agents logged in or agents in a particular group.


7. You can sort grids by choosing what field you want to sort by, then choose ascending or descending order e.g. you could sort an agent grid by agent name in alphabetical order, or by State time or Talktime to show whos been in their state the longest. For a group grid you could sort by ACDCalls so the group with the highest number of calls is at the top.


8. Grids also now automatically paginate so you can choose how many rows you want to display at one time before the grid changes, this is useful if there will be a lot of rows in the grid. You can set timings so e.g you could have 10 rows showing for 15 seconds then it changes and the next 10 rows appear.

If you don't want to paginate, so you want the grid to be static you can set the pagination to "0" and just choose a set number of rows to show. This is useful if you want to show a league table of e.g. top 10 performers, only 10 will appear.

For more on grids please check out our Dynamic Grid feature video: